Steep Holm Island
Steep Holm, a small island in the Bristol Channel, is owned and managed by the Kenneth Allsop Memorial Trust. It lies nearly six miles offshore from the seaside resort of Weston-super-Mare in Somerset. Although relatively close to areas of high population and the busy shipping channel, Steep Holm is isolated by brisk tidal currents and is a difficult landing place. Despite and indeed because of its isolation, Steep Holm is a rewarding place to visit, with visitors welcome on scheduled trips. Click here for more information about the trips.
The island depends on its volunteers to keep going. More information can be found under The Trust/Volunteers page. Please bear with us as we process your enquiries. We will respond to you all.
The island is now open to visitors again, please see our Sailings page for more information.

Steep Holm logo designed by Paul Mitchell –